![]() Download our new EP Please Read This For Me HERE! for free Also find us on: Facebook or Twitter What are we up to right now? (twitter) Cesky Tucnak - (Placed: 5 October 2011) You can help us win the Cesky Tucnak Award, which is basically a big penguin. How? (1) Go to Cesky Tucnak (2) Click on our picture (3) Click on ‘DAT HLAS’. We will also be playing a couple of songs in Roxy, Prague during the Cesky Tucnak Festival. Hope to find some penguins! The day our van died - (Placed: 2 October 2011) It is a very sad day today: it’s the day our van died… After the gigs in Ceske Budejovice and Nahorany we were driving through Vodany on our way back to Valmez. Suddenly, on a quiet road the right front side of our van dropped, the wheel had fallen off. Unfortunately we had to leave our van in Vodany, it can’t be fixed: Dodavka RIP. ![]() Please Read This For Me Tour - (Placed: 11 September 2011) Yesterday we started our tour at the great Vodnany Zijou festival. The place where we met Please the Trees last year, Vaclav Havelka’s band who is also featuring on our new EP, which, by the way, you can still download right HERE!. See you guys on the road! Perks for your support - (Placed: 20 August 2011) Making the perks for everyone who supported our Crowd funding project through Indie GoGo and made the analogue recordings of Please Read This For Me possible. THANK YOU ALL! You can be expecting your gifts soon! On tour again! - (Placed: 2 August 2011) We are planning more and more gigs for the coming months, starting in Prerov on 12 August already. Other dates have been confirmed in Brno, Prague, Ceske Budejovice, Plzen and many others. See you wherever our sweet van will take us! Please Read This For Me - (Placed: 1 June 11) Our new EP 'Please Read This For Me' is out NOW and you can download it for free right HERE! Live!Liev!Live! - (Placed: 8 Apr 11) We took our new songs to the stage for the first time this Wednesday in Brno. Roman Juranek took this photo when we were playing our new song 'Please read this for me' which is also the title of our upcoming EP. New dates in Prague, Olomouc, Brno and Valmez have been added to the list and more will come soon. We hope to meet you all on the road! ![]() Studio time! - (Placed: 2 Apr 11) We have started recording! ![]() Indie GoGo - (Placed: 18 Mar 11) We are going analogue and need your help! Over the years we collected vintage instruments and microphones that all have their own character. Now it is time to record them using the techniques of their own generation. In April we'll record our upcoming EP 'Please read this for me' on tape. Even though we do have some money saved up, we also realized we need some help, that's why we set up this crowd funding campaign. De Traveling - (Placed: 13 Feb 11) Going from Amsterdam to Przno with a one way ticket. For some reason it says Copenhagen in the train to Prague. The good news is that I made it to the Czech Republic just fine. The next few weeks we will be working on new songs to get ready for the studio. Some time in May we will release a new EP. More info will follow soon! ![]() Alle Popronde data op een rij - (Placed: 9 Sep 10) Dit najaar doen we mee aan De Popronde! Optredens zijn solo of met band: 10.09 Moenen in Nijmegen (solo) 16.09 Het Ketelhuis in Amsterdam (band) 18.09 Gelagkamer Hoogh in Zwolle (band) 24.09 John Mullins in Maastricht (band) 04.11 Drukkery in Middelburg (solo) 06.11 Theater de Lieve Vrouw in Amesfoort (solo) De Popronde - (Placed: 19 Jul 10) Dit najaar doen we mee aan De Popronde! Dat betekent dat we in de maanden september en oktober af en toe in Nederland zullen spelen, iets waar we erg naar uit kijken! De eerste show is al bevestigd op 10 september solo tijdens het openingsweekend in Nijmegen. Inmiddels hebben we met een aantal andere steden contact en het ziet er naar uit dat we ook op een aantal plekken met de hele band kunnen komen. Hou de site, Facebook, Twitter etc. dus goed in de gaten! Holland was hot - (Placed: 07 Jul 10) Panama was probably the hottest place we've ever played, we're ready for festivals! Holland - (Placed: 22 Jun 10) We have two gigs coming up in Holland but De Popronde should add a few more after the summer. Until then come and join us in Groningen together with We Swim You Jump, Flux and Corijn or Amsterdam with Anne Roos Rosa de Carvalho! 30.06.10 Vera/Groningen (NL) 02.07.10 Panama/Amsterdam (NL) Jetset Song - (Placed: 12 Jun 10) Rogier Wieland will make a video for our song Commuter which will only be ready after the summer. So in the meantime he travelled to Shanghai to use our new songs ‘City Stories’ for a stop-motion workshop at the World Exhibition. You can see the result of this international creative process here and check out his work to get a slight idea of what will come in a few months. Getting ready for spring and summer - (Placed: 26 Apr 10) Last week we opened our concert season with an unexpected gig in Valašské Mezirící, it was a great start! As of next week we will be playing in a few clubs in Olomouc, Brno and Prague but also start touring some festivals. This is our Czech playlist so far, but new dates might be added and we are also working on some shows in Holland (first weekend of July & september) and Germany. See you soon! 04.05.10 Jazz Tibet Club/Olomouc (CZ) 05.05.10 Majales Club Solnice/Ceské Budejovice (CZ) 05.06.10 Palac Akropolis/Praha (CZ) 07.06.10 Metro Music Bar/Brno (CZ) 29.06.10 M-klub/Valašské Mezirící (CZ) 09.07.10 Svátek bláznu /Veselí nad Moravou(CZ) 10.07.10 Pacovský Polednik/Pacov (CZ) 31.07.10 Lebeda Festival//Rudimov (CZ) 07.08.10 Beseda u Bigbitu/Tasov (CZ) 12.08.10 Jablonecke kulturni leto/Jablonec nad nisou(CZ) 13.08.10 Lubenská lodyha /Lubná u Policky(CZ) 14.08.10 Eurotrialog/Mikulov (CZ) 01.10.10 Klub Art/ Opava (CZ) Solo in Canada, USA and Holland - (Placed: 07 Apr 10) So I sneaked abroad for a few weeks, all by myself. And I played a few gigs far away from home, all by myself. It was really nice to travel and do some small solo shows in Montreal, New York and Cambridge, such nice places! It was also a good opportunity to actually really play guitar, all by myself. Martin’s old Czechoslovak Jolana was good company, even though people kept on thinking I was carrying an old Gipson. One man, a self proclaimed guitar collector, even wanted to buy it at the airport! Playing solo is nice and I will do this more often again but I am really looking forward to se the boys again next week. ![]() Acoustic Live Recordings - (Placed: 21 Dec 09) Somewhere in fall we recorded an acoustic session in a living room somewhere in Amsterdam. We totally rearranged five of our songs and put them available to download through our Bandcamp page. You can get them for free (fill out 0) or pay us whatever you want, but maybe you want to listen if you like them in the first place: Final concerts of the year - (Placed: 01 Dec 09) We will have our last gigs of this year in the Czech Republic in a few days. First we will check out a new venue in Brno called Stary Pivovar on Sunday 6 December. The day after we go to Jihlava where we will play in Jazz Klub za Oponou. As it is Sinterklaas/Mikulas we will have a small surprise for the people who come and see us! Press - (Placed: 09 Nov 09) In the November issue of the Czech music magazine Flter we had a whole page to our selves! Also Reload wrote something about us. ![]() Bandcamp - (Placed: 04 Nov 09) Our music is finally available on Bandcamp, where you can buy digital versions of our album. If you would rather have an old fashioned hard copy of our cd please write us and we will send it to you by snail mail. Halve Finale Grote Prijs van Nederland! - (Placed: 5 Sep 09) Zaterdag 20 september is het zo ver en staan we met de hele band in de laatste halve finale van de Grote Prijs van Nederland. Alle singer-songwriters spelen een akoestische set en daarom hebben wij intieme en prachtige nieuwe versies gemaakt van onze nummers. We spelen in de Oude Smederij van Paleis het Loo te Apeldoorn, kaartjes (15 euro met drankjes) voor deze zondag avond 20 september zijn uisluitend online te koop via Live in the Living en en op de site van de Grote Prijs staat meer info de andere deelnemers. Zaterdag 19 september organiseren we in Amsterdam een huiskamer concert om de nieuwe versies van de liedjes ook dichter bij huis te spelen. Stuur een mailtje als je er bij wilt zijn! ![]() Einde zomer in Nederland - (Placed: 19 Aug 09) Om de zomer muzikaal af te sluiten ehebben we een lang weekend vol muziek. Na Wat oefenen op het Moravische platteland rijden we van 28 tm 30 augustus langs Amsterdam, Haarlem en Breda. Grote Prijs van Nederland! - (Placed: 30 May 09) Wotienke is solo genomineerd voor de kwartfinale van de Grote Prijs van Nederland. Donderdag 4 juni sta ik met 5 andere singer-songwriters in de Bitterzoet. Zonder mijn Tsjechishce steun en toeverlaat, solo, helemaal alleen dus. Als vanouds met alleen een piano en wellicht een primeur op gitaar, maar daar moet ik nog even over nadenken (lees: op oefenen). Ik kan alle steun gebruiken, dus hoop jullie te zien! ![]() Three weeks of road - (Placed: 23 May 09) It was great to play again! After working on the record during such an intensive period we all enjoyed the unexpected and playful life on the road. Thanks to everyone who came to see us again and to the people who came for the first time. Here you can read a short Dutch summary of the tour and see some pictures of life on the road (including a robbery!). As of now we are also present on facebook and become one of our fans. On the road in Central Europe - (Placed: 25 Apr 09) Last night we had the first concert of this year’s spring tour in Budapest. It was actually the very first time we played in Hungary, the first gig after the studio, and also the very first evening we could say ‘we have a cd!’. It felt great and it was a good start of our tour so we look forward to all the other gigs in the Czech Republic, Poland and Austria. Hope to see you there! ![]() Mainland Sailors - (Placed: 15 Apr 09) Our debut album will be out very soon! After some cold weekends in Moravia to prepare for the studio it turned out our van was still motivated to drive to Amsterdam. There, for two weeks, we traveled 5 km by foot, by bike and occasionally by car every morning in a (pretty) straight line along the waterside from our house to the studio. After full days of recording we went home the same way, sometimes taking the ferry, just for a change. Then came the day we had to split up again so since then there has been an almost permanent hotline between Amsterdam and Przno/Brno to be able to carry on our 'band democracy' through many mails and phone conversations. Now everything is being pressed and printed and we can't wait to see the physical result. ![]() Movement - (Placed: 04 Mrt 09) We haven’t been moving around much lately while preparing for the studio. We turned our songs inside out, threw material away, wrote some new stuff and now we are ready. We are currently trying to release our dear van from the snow in the hope it will still be able to bring all our instruments to Amsterdam where we will start recording next week. More to come! ![]() Can't help playing - (Placed: 11 Sep 08) Even though we are finally in the process of recording our album we are doing a few gigs. Before locking ourselves up and taking a distance from the outside world we couldn’t help to get out there a few more times. The coming weeks we will play in Prague at Palac Akropolis, in Amsterdam at Pakhuis Wilhelmina, and finally we’ll play a seaside gig at Tomboektoe in Wijk aan Zee. We don't know yet when we'll play next so be there! When summer comes along - (Placed: 23 July 08) The summer is always a good opportunity to spend some more time together. Right now we are preparing our gigs on Hrachovka and the Lenti Filmova Skola but after that we will lock ourselves up to get ready for our try out recording session with Ondrej Jezek. Morning to evening rehersals, no sight of daylight but good food (even though we all have different definitions of this…) should result in a few good recordings. Opening up for Room Eleven - (Placed: 01 June 08) For a few gigs we will only be three on stage while supporting the Dutch band Room Eleven. No drums, no base and maybe slightly more nerves because of the bigger stages but also more intimacy, new arrangements of our songs, piano, guitar, saxophone and a lot of atmosphere. Thanks Janne & Manne for this opportunity! Diky moc! - (Placed: 19 May 08) It’s been a week since all of us got home again and picked up the pieces of our lives which are not linked to music, but we miss playing already! We put new photo’s on our site and also made a few films of our life on the road and our time on stage, which you can see here. The result of the interview Wotienke did in Pardubice can be found here. The three weeks on the road in Central Europe have been amazing: thanks to everyone that made it possible and came to see us! Thank you! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Austria - (Placed: 23 Apr 08) Tonight we have our first gig in a row of 13 concerts in Central Europe! We will start off in and around Prague this week, next week we’ll stick to Moravia and the third week we will do a lot of travelling! Our first ever gig in Poland is on the programme, just as our first stop in Bratislava and finally we will go back to Vienna. On Tour Again! - (Placed: 07 Apr 08) This time I am coming over to see the guys and there will be a whole lot of playing going on the Czech Republic and we even have some gigs in neighbouring countries Poland, Slovakia and Austria. Here are our dates, you can find more details, in a reader-friendlier format, under 'live'. ![]() On Tour! - (Placed: 23 Feb 08) From March 6 to 16 we will be doing some concerts across the Netherlands again. But, before we make it there we will have two stops on our way. On Tuesday 4 we will play in Akord in the centre of Prague and on Wednesday 5 we will have our very first gig in Germany, where the venue Noch Besser Leben will host us in Leipzig. The next morning we will have to drive as fast as our new old van will allow us to get to our first Dutch gig in sub071 in Leiden. Together again - (Placed: 9 Feb 08) It had been a while, but last week I finally went to the Czech Republic again to meet with the band. We rearranged a few old songs, worked on some new material, figured out how to buy a van to go on tour this spring and summer, planned our recording time for the first album, and had a lot of fun. After six days of intensive hours in the rehearsing basement we drove to Prague for a last minute gig. Thanks if you were there! It was great to play again and we look forward to the coming months, which will bring concerts not only in Holland and Czech again, but also for the first time in Germany and Poland, and we will be back in Austria and Slovakia! The New Year - (Placed: 10 Jan 08) The musical part of last year came to an end when I played my songs all by myself again in a very nice restaurant called Paerz. Together with Pieter van Empelen and Laurens Joensen I looked back on 2007 and glanced at what 2008 might bring. Even though it was an excellent evening with nice people, good food and a perfect atmosphere, I really missed the band when playing all my songs all alone again. So I am very happy to announce there are some exciting things coming up for us in the coming months. First of all the boys will come over to Holland again for a ten day tour from March 6 to 16 which I am arranging as we speak. Then I will go to Czech Republic in April/March where we will tour for about 2,5 week. Not only will we play in nice venues like the Divadlo Hudby in Olomouc or Kastan in Prague, but our friends from Coralee arranged some gigs for us in Austria as wel (thank you!)l. The summer should take us to some festivals again, but I guess I am looking too far ahead now. So hope to see you all in spring! Back to normal - (Placed: 16 Oct 07) After a very successful first tour in Holland life turned back to normal again and all of us got back to work or study in Czech Republic and Amsterdam. Check this to read a review (in Czech) of our last show in Prague before we headed for The Netherlands. I will put some pictures of our time together in the Low Lands on this site soon so those who didn’t make it can get an idea of what they missed. Time to sit back and relax is out of the question because we are already working on our plans for 2008. In January and May I’ll go to Czech for some concerts and in March the band should come over to Holland again. Luckily Peas Production is helping us out with the concerts in central Europe but in Holland it’s all still DIY so just let me know if you’re interested in having us play somewhere in March. Optredens in Nederland met band! - (Placed: 11 sept 07) Het is zover, na ruim twee jaar alleen in het oosten gespeeld te hebben komt mijn Tsjechische band volgende week voor het eerst naar Nederland! Ondrej, Jan, Martin en Karel versterken mijn pianoliedjes met drums, contrabas, saxofoon en gitaar. We spelen op vijf hele verschillende locaties dus voor ieder wat wils! 18.09.07 Camelot/Nijmegen 21.09.07 Winston/Amsterdam 22.09.07 Singelfestival.nl/Edam 23.09.07 Albert Cuyp Zomerfeest/Amsterdam 25.09.07 Cafe de Stiels/Haarlem New guitar player in the Czech Republic - (Placed: 07 aug 07) After playing with us in the Czech Republic for two years Jose was forced to take a break because of medical reasons. Fortunately the Valmez region is full of good musicians so it was not hard to find someone who would join us to some summer festivals and our first concerts in Vienna. Jose’s smooth jazz-sound has been taken over by Karel’s sensitive, subtle and sometimes noisy guitar-sound. New website - (Placed: 09 Jul 07) I am very proud to show you around on my new website! A few sections are still a little bit under construction, but all the relevant stuff is available and, more important, you can have a look at the beautiful new design (thank you Sjaak!). Let the little clocks and amulets on the left guide you through my music and all things that come with it and feel free to drop a line in my guestbook. Crossing Borders - (Placed: 21 Jun 07) After playing throughout the Czech Republic now for about two years it was time to bring our collaboration to another level. So my Czech band and I will be crossing some borders this summer. This week is the kick off with a concert on a festival in Senice just across the Slovak border. Then, on the 1st and 2nd of August we will play in two very nice places in Vienna (thank you Ralf!!!). Finally I am also trying to get them to Holland so if all goes well the boys should be coming over at the beginning of September. In shape again - (Placed: 03 Feb 07) After almost 4 months of illness I am finally back on track. In October my doctor discovered a vicious virus in my body which was harmless in a way, it only made me extremely tired most of the time. In November I did manage to go to the Czech Republic and play the 5 planned concerts. The mini-tour was a success mainly thanks to José, Jan, Ondrej and Martin with whom I played again. In the 'music' section you can listen to some of the songs we recorded together during the summer. Unfortunately my new website (maybe I shouldn't mention it again) is still not in place. Since my knowledge of html is non-existing I decided to make a myspace in the meanwhile, with up to date pics, music and design. However, the most important thing is that I am healthy again so I'll finish some new material, I'll play more often again in Holland and we have a tour planned again in Czech Republic. www.myspace.com/wotienke Update! - (Placed: 13 Oct 06) I have been neglecting this website for a while, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything lately. On the contrary! This summer I spend a lot of time in the Czech Republic where I had the chance to practice again with Jose, Ondrej, Marin and Jan. We worked on a few songs to get them ready for recording. Finally, during the warm and rainy second week of August, we changed a small concert hall in an old castle in Moravia into a studio. Within a few weeks the songs we recorded will be available on this website which will finally get a new design as well! A new tour in Czech Republic is coming up in November with the band. Check the ‘live’ section for the exact dates. Tesim me! Play time - (Placed: 30 May 06) As if students nave nothing better to do during this end-of-the-semester-period the Amsterdam Student Festival is going on this whole week. So I am pretending not to have any exams coming up and decided to ask my friend Willem from Clemm music to play along with me on his double base tomorrow. It’s still a surprise if it will work out so just come and check it out Wednesday night at the Crea Theater. Starting time: 8pm. Tour to an End - (Placed: 09 May 06) After spending one week with Jan, Ondrej, Jose and Martin in the Czech Republic and doing five concerts together and 2 radio interviews, I am back in Amsterdam. We had such a good time again playing as a band that we will get together this summer for more concerts and, if everything goes well, for recordings. Until that time I’ll be paying alone again in Holland, but I might get some help live here as well some time soon. Tonight I will still play all by myself in Nijmegen. Warming up - (Placed: 13 April 06) Before going to the Czech Republic for another small tour with the band, I'll have a few opportunities to warm up and try out some new songs. In the next two weeks I will play at three totally different 'open stages' in Amsterdam. On Wednesday April 19 I will play in Het Polanen Theater just across the street from where I live nowadays. I was asked to play at the best of edition of the open stage in the very beautiful and cozy Parool Theater on Friday April 21. Finally on Tuesday April 25 I will play at the well known, or maybe even legendary, Open bak in De Engelenbak. Czech Tour - (Placed: 30 Mar 06) From April 29 to May 4 I will be touring Moravia again. I am very happy and lucky that Ondrej, Jan, Martin (known from Funkova Brigada) and Jose are ready to join me also this time. In the music section you can listen to what we sound like as a band. I heard they already started practicing, and right before the tour I will join them for a few days in their rehearsal room. We are preparing a full and beautiful show, so don't miss it if you happen to be in the neighborhood. Breaking more silence - (Placed: 24 Feb 06) Lately I have been a bit lazy with updating my website, which does not mean I am not working on anything. On the contrary, aside from working on new material, there are plenty of other things that keep me busy. In the first place I will be going to CZ again for a week where I'll be playing with the boys from the band. So far 5 shows have been confirmed and we might even get into the studio to record a few songs. But, since I am living in Amsterdam again I figured it would make sense to do some more back here. So I am playing and arranging concerts, I am forming a band here as well, I am working on a new design for my web-site and soon I will record again. Breaking the silence - (Placed: 24 Oct 05) Somehow I just can't get enough of the Czech Republic, so you will find me in Moravia again in the beginning of November (Olomouc and Boskovice). Of course the guys of The Band will be there to give my songs a fuller sound. I also finally got my act together to do more things back home in Holland, so keep an eye on this site for more info about concerts, new recordings and collaborations. Wotienke and Band - (Placed: 29 June 05) It was great to play two concerts with Ondrej, Jan, Jose and Martin. In Olomouc we had an unforgettable evening in the open air under a full moon. Only the piano had a tough night as it fell to pieces on its way out, on stage it was held together by sticks, stones and a rope, and after the concert it was carried off stage in three pieces. The Valassky Spalicek Festival was a bit less unexpected but at least as great with a lot of other good concerts by for instance Dlhe Diely, Joseph Parsons, Traband and Funkuva Brigada. I really hope I will be able to make it over to the Czech Republic again soon for more concerts with or without the boys. Band - (Placed: 14 June 05) The past weekend I spend in Moravia practicing with four awesome guys. They will accompany me during my next two concerts in Czech Republic. Even though I will leave Prague on July 1st we all hope there will be more possibilities in the future to play in the following line-up: Ondrej/drums José/guitar Jan/double bass Martin/saxophone So if you are curious to hear the result, be sure not to miss us in Olomouc on June 20 or on the Valassky Spalicek Festival on Friday evening June 24. Drums and Bases - (placed: 19 May 05) It has been two weeks already since I played in Olomouc on the Presahy Festival which was a great evening. It was a big honor for me to share the stage with Dlhé diely from Slovakia and Glen Hansard who is the front man of The Frames. For those living in the Olomouc region: in today’s Olomoucky Den there is an interview with me. The most important news is probably that I won’t be playing the next few concerts alone. The drummer and base player of Funkova Brigada will accompany me in Olomouc on June 20 and on the Valassky Spalicek Festival at the end of June. Check the ‘live’ section to find out if we’ll play more concerts. Pianos in Prague - (placed: 28 Apr 05) Life in Prague is getting busy but just as fun and interesting since the documentary festival I am working for at the moment started yesterday (www.oneworld.cz). After the opening we went to a pub somewhere hidden away in the streets if Prague (directions: get out of the office, straight, second left, then right, straight, left or maybe right again…. I found it). I get the impression that there are more piano’s here in than in Amsterdam, this pub even had two! So I played some songs on keys that were totally out of tune but the feeling was there. Playing piano is rare these days so it was a small warming up of what will come next Wednesday May 4 on the Presahy Festival in Olomouc where the grand piano will be tuned and amplified. For more info check: www.presahy.net Update - (placed: 11 Feb 05) After being in Prague already for one week it is time for a little update. During my last weeks in Amsterdam I recorded the piano and vocals of three new songs. They still need to be mixed but soon I will put them on the site so everyone can hear my ‘new’ sound. One date in Czech Republic (Valmez in june) has already been confirmed and gigs in Brno, Novy Jicin and Prague are hopefully on their way. Concert: Dwaze Zaken, Amsterdam - (placed: 08 Jan 05) On Sunday the 23rd of January there will be a nice and relaxed afternoon filled with music in cefé Dwaze Zaken. The exact program is yet to be announced but be sure to keep this date free, besides me a few other local singer songwriters will give acte de présence. This will most probably be the last time I will play in Amsterdam before leaving for Czech Republic again. So I hope to see you all around 15.00h at Dwaze Zaken: Prins Hendrikkade 50. (more detailed info will follow asap) Akoestival: Witte Theater IJmuiden - (placed: 20 Dec 04) The 22nd of January I will be playing on Akoestival, a festival where all the plugs are pulled and an acoustic atmosphere will reign all night. The Thursday before, 20th of January, I will be a guest at the local radio station Seaport FM. Between 21.00 and 23.00 I will be interviewed and some of my songs will be broadcasted, maybe even some new material will be ready by then. For more info check www.seaportfm.nl or www.wittetheater.nl Cancelled concert due to Ukrainian elections - (placed: 19 Dec 04) Unfortunately I had to cancel the concert on 'De Greep Festival' the 27th of December. This festival promises to be a very nice evening so please check out www.eitheror.nl for more information about this evening full of music and art. I feel very sorry about having to cancel this concert but I have the unique opportunity to become an observer at the upcoming elections in Ukraine on the 26th of December, which makes it impossible to come back to Amsterdam in time for the concert. More Czech Republic - (placed: 9 Dec 04) The time in Czech Republic was great as usual. Not only did I enjoy playing the two concerts in very nice places, I was also in the country to apply for an internship in Prague which I got. This means that from February till the end of June I will be playing in Czech Republic again regularly. So keep an eye on this site as talks for interesting festivals and clubs are already going on! Mini tour: Czech Republic 2 - (placed: 1 dec 04) In the middle of all the busy activities here in Amsterdam I found, or better said created some time to go back to Czech Republic and play a concert at the M-klub in Valmez on Thursday the 2nd of December. Other artists who will play that night are James Harries and a local girl who will present her cd. Rumors about a second concert in CR came to me from different directions. So most likely I will play in Olomouc on Monday evening the 6th of December in Konvikt. Keep an eye open for the posters in the area to be sure you don't miss it. Mini tour: Czech Republic - (placed: 18 oct 04) After a nice show on a really cool festival, Supasonic, in one of the most beautiful buildings of Amsterdam, De Stadsschouwburg, i am ready to go to Czech Republic again. After all the changes of place and time I can say now that i will play 3 concerts there. The first will be in one of my favorite places in Olomouc, the Jazz Tibet Club on Tuesday 19th of October. Followed by a concert in the Lidová škola umení in Uhersky Bron on Thursday the 21st.The last concert for this time will be in Novy Jicin in a bar called Pohoda. I have heard that it will be the first concert ever to be held there so i am sure it will become an evening never to forget. Mini tour: Czech Republic - (placed: 02 oct 04) The dates in the Czech Republic keep on changing so here a last up date. Divadlo Hudby in December is cancelled. This is a pity as it's a great venue, but this way i can fully concentrate on the concert in Valmez. Fortunately the Jazz Tibet Club is flexible as always and offered me to play there 19th of October. So the gig in Uherský Brod will be postponed to a date yet to be announced. In other words: just check the 'Live' section of this site to find out when i'll play near you! Mini tour: Czech Republic - (placed: 25 sept 04) The plans concerning my mini tour in Czech Republic have changed into plans for two even smaller 'tours'. Dates for October turned out a bit hard to get confirmed this late, so now i will do at least two more shows on December 2nd. As the two venues i really wanted to play only had place on the same date we had some talks and came to the following schedule: Thursday 2 December 18.00h Divadlo Hudby and same evening around 20.30h i will play in Valmez. Concert: Stadsschouwburg, Amsterdam - (23 sept 04) Just before taking off to the Czech Republic i will be playing on the Supasonic Festival in De Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. Supasonic is a multidisciplinary 3-day festival which shows everything that is going on in Holland in the field of Black music and art and much more. More information about the exact time will follow. for now just keep Sunday the 17th of October free and check www.supasonic.nl for more information. Mini tour: Czech Republic - (placed: 19 sept 04) The first date of my first ever mini tour has been confirmed. On the 19th of October I will start this tour through Czech Republic with a gig in Uherský Brod. Talks for Divadlo Hudby in Olomouc and on a show in some castle in Valašské Mezirící are still going on. Soon more info will be available here on this site. Concert: De Batavia, Wormer - (placed: 08 sept 04) This weekend i will be playing at De Batavia in Wormer. It will be a relaxing sunday afternoon with a few singer-songwriters performing. So with the bad weather coming up this is the place to be on sunday 12 sept 15.00, Veerdijk 39. For more information or directions check www.cafe-batavia.nl. Concert: Uitmarkt, Amsterdam - (placed: 26 aug 04) After being home in Holland again for a few weeks i will be starting this year with a concert on De Uitmarkt in Amsterdam. This festival shows what the new cultural season will bring. So i am very happy to be part of that and will play at Het Conservatorium van Amsterdam on sunday, Aug 29 at 13.30, Van Baerlestraat 26. Hope to see you all there. Concert: U-Club, Olomouc - (placed: 23 apr 04) From May 11 to 13 the second edition of the přesahy festival will take place in Olomouc. I feel very honored to be part of this event which is all about crossing borders. Specially since I will be sharing the stage with the legendary Czech underground band Psi Vijaci on Thursday 13 of May at U-club, Šmeralova 12. For more information visit www.presahy.net. Concert: Jazz Tibet Club, Olomouc - (placed: 12 mar 04 ) Also the Jazz Tibet Club in Olomouc asked me to come back. This time there will be no Chinese Rock band to compete with; I will be the only one to play. This gives me the possibility to play a long set with almost all my songs and hopefully also some new material. This will take place on Tuesday the 16th of March. Free entrance, start at 20.30. Jazz Tibet Club Olomouc, Sokolska 48. Concert: Obratnik, Prague - (Placed: 17 feb 04) After the success at the November edition of Mr Hyde Park, I will play my songs again during this months event. Upcoming wednesday people with different backgounds will share their work in an informal setting. So if you are in Prague be sure not to miss this interesting evening. February 18. Cafe Obratnik, Jindricha Plachty 28 Concert: Jazz Tibet Club, Olomouc - (placed: 11 nov 03) My first concert in the Czech Republic is confirmd and will take place on November 13 at the Jazz Tibet Club in Olomouc. I will play with a Chinese rock band from Prague so this promisses to become an unforgettable evening. Concert: Obratnik, Prague - (placed: 11 nov 03) Mr Hyde Park is a monthly returning event at literary cafe Obratnik in Prague. Every 3rd wednesday of the month people from defferent places with different backgrounds come together to share poetry, spoken word and music. I am very happy to play some of my songs on the next Mr Hyde Park evening on Novemeber 19. Cafe Obratnik, Jindricha Plachty 28 ![]() |